Cultures of Conversation: Communication Tools

Communication is how we find ourselves in connection with the other. It is the bedrock of building relationships and culture. There are many ways in which we [can] communicate: Verbal (Emotional and Logical), Kinesthetic, Intuitive, Visual, and Sensual1There are probably other ways, this list is by no means exhaustive.

Tools and practices can help us develop more empathy and compassion in conversations, while effectively expressing ourselves.

  • Fundamentals of Compassionate Conversation
  • Orientation for Meetings
  • Prompts for Relation Building
  • Reflections for Trust Building (Mirroring, Paraphrasing, Summarizing, Weaving)
  • Emergent Context: Conversations for Relation Building
  • Introducing Play and Fun


  • 1
    There are probably other ways, this list is by no means exhaustive